We hold our mothers' teachings in our hearts and hands: Bark cloths from PNG
Past exhibition
Barbara Rauno (Inasu)
siha'e, nuni'e ohu'o sigaru anu'e - fruit of the tree, design of the eye and teeth of the beetle
natural pigments on nioge (barkcloth)
120 x 76 cm
The rectangular motif is nuni'e, the design of the eye. The nuni'e design can also be found on armlets and waistbelts which are made from numise (yellow orchid fibre), jukire...
The rectangular motif is nuni'e, the design of the eye. The nuni'e design can also be found on armlets and waistbelts which are made from numise (yellow orchid fibre), jukire (black orchid fibre) and ninube (brown orchid fibre). The diamond design is sih'e, the fruit of the tree and the triangular designs is sigaru ano'e, the teeth of the beetle. The lines that run through the work are known as orriseege or 'pathways' and provide a compositional framework for the design.