A study of the Figurative in Desert painting: Figurative painting from the desert
Past exhibition
Roy Underwood
acrylic on linen
100 x 83 cm
ROy is a senior initiated SPinifex man and is therefore privvy to many 'mirl-mirl' or sacred stories from Spinifex country. In this boldly painted and quite literal rendition of Mulaya,...
ROy is a senior initiated SPinifex man and is therefore privvy to many 'mirl-mirl' or sacred stories from Spinifex country. In this boldly painted and quite literal rendition of Mulaya, the two converging stories at this place can be seen quite clearly, the Mulaya story itself depicted by the snakes and the Kalaya or emu story seen by the tracks.
Muyala is a well known powerful site within Spinifex country and beyond and the site of the Wati Kutjara Tjukurpa (father and son snake story). In this story a father and son are travelling during initiation ceremony when the son is seen to be going slightly mad. The father intercepts when the son becomes embroiled in a fight with an older man.
Muyala is a well known powerful site within Spinifex country and beyond and the site of the Wati Kutjara Tjukurpa (father and son snake story). In this story a father and son are travelling during initiation ceremony when the son is seen to be going slightly mad. The father intercepts when the son becomes embroiled in a fight with an older man.