Mionomehi Oriseegé (Ancestral Paths): Barkcloth from Omie
Short St Gallery presents Mionomehi Oriseegé (Ancestral Paths). The exhibition is a showcase of the incredible artwork from the Oro Province of Papua New Guinea. It is a celebration of the nioge (barkcloth), an art form practiced exclusively by the Omie women. Nioge are produced entirely by hand; from the stripping of the bark, the transformation of the bark into cloth, to the creation of the natural pigments that the artists use in their intuitive and graphic designs. The bark cloths are painstakingly produced and carried back from one of the most remote areas in the world. They are truly a labour of love and a thing of ephemeral beauty. The exhibition takes the viewer on a journey as the Omie artists honour their ancestral paths utilising the dynamic iconography that is their living art and culture.
Ömie Artists are proudly sponsored for this exhibition by Pacific Island Trade & Invest'