Family Connections: Ochres
Family connections are an integral part of Kimberley culture and art practice. Established artists pass down knowledge of mediums and storylines to emerging artists. Practicing artists are filled with purpose and illustration. Possibilities open up. This exhibition seeks to acknowledge these connections and salute the importance of family within community and art. As such, the exhibition pairs each artist with a fellow family member and painter to explore relationships and to see how art practice within artistic families may collude or differ. Featured artists include, Rammey Ramsey and his daughter Kathy Ramsay, Freddie Timms and his wife Beryline Mung, Gordon Barney and his daughter Lorraine Daylight, Betty Carrington and her granddaughter Nancy Daylight and Barry Malgil and his mother Evelyn Malgil. The exhibition will be available to view from September 15th.