Spinifex Ascedent: Arwork from Tjuntjuntjara
Short St Gallery presents Spinifex Ascendent showcasing the strength, tenacity and deep immersion in country that is the Spinifex Art Project. Hailing from Tjuntjuntjara in the Great Victoria Desert of Western Australia the artists began painting as part of a native title process. They have gone on to produce artwork that continues to cements their coveted position in the art world. They consistently create work of quality and integrity that has seen them exhibited and collected around the world. The remarkable power of the artists work is evident in every painting. This exhibition includes two very special collaborative works, Pilanguru by the Men's Collaborative and Minyma Tjuta by the Women's Collaborative together with an impressive selection of artworks from individual senior painters. Forever on the rise, the Spinifex artists, their creations and their connection to country is a cultural alms that commands attention.
Opens Thursday July 27 2017