PAULINE & PUNA: Pauline Minmila Wangin & Puna Yanima

22 September - 12 October 2023
Short St Gallery presents a joint exhibition from Pauline Minmila Wangin and Puna Yanima. The fluidity and immediacy of both artists paintings in combination with their wild use of colour, brings us a visual excitement that is free of boundaries and limits. As both artists lay down the tracks and lines that map the tjukurpa (story) of their country, we are catapulted into a psychedelic exploration of kapi tjukula (water holes) and puli puka (big rock), that dot the landscape and draw us into a story that exists in both ancient mythology and present day.

Pauline’s saturated use of colour and elaborate pathways reflect the intricate network of her country and resonate with the viewer in a way that reflects her deep appreciation of the landscape and the stories that have created it. While Puna’s fluid and free artworks radiate a sense of play and joyfulness that cannot help but escape from the canvas. As Puna says, ‘This is my way. There are many others in the art centre who paint this beautiful storyline, each in their own way. There is so much inspiration and so much to teach."

Short St Gallery invites you to join us on the Pauline & Puna journey.