Lorraine Davies Australian, Ngaanyatjarra, b. 1951
Wati Kutjara, 2022
Acrylic on linen
60 x 75 cm
Lorraine embraces story within story as her compositions unfold. Here she places Wati Kutjara Tjukurpa (Two Men Creation line) as it forms within the region of Warburton, where she spent...
Lorraine embraces story within story as her compositions unfold. Here she places Wati Kutjara Tjukurpa (Two Men Creation line) as it forms within the region of Warburton, where she spent her formative years. The two men are snake brothers who fight for territory and supremacy creating and manifesting the surrounding terrain in their wake. Lorraine places present day people, families, children and camps throughout the composition with the realisation the Tjukurpa lives and breaths into the present day.