Mervyn Street Australian, Gooniyandi, b. 1950
Mervyn Street Australian, Gooniyandi, b. 1950
Wild Scrub Bull Story, 2019
Wil bull skull & paint
43 x 71 x 55 cm
When I was a young man there used to be a lot of Wild Scrub Bulls in the bush. We would catch them and ride them, sometimes for fun, sometimes...
When I was a young man there used to be a lot of Wild Scrub Bulls in the bush. We would catch them and ride them, sometimes for fun, sometimes in the Rodeo. But then they started killing them. Shooting them from helicopters even. I asked an old Kartiya
( White) fella why they were killing them and he said it was to make way for the Brahman cows. So that's why there are no more Wild Scrub Bulls in the bush.
( White) fella why they were killing them and he said it was to make way for the Brahman cows. So that's why there are no more Wild Scrub Bulls in the bush.