Burton Women's Collaborative
Burton Women's Collaborative
Minyma Mingkiri Tjuta (The Burton Women Collaborative), 2023
acrylic on linen
152.5 x 242 cm
The Burton Women, including Angela, Maureen and Naomi together depict the Minyma Mingkiri Tjuta Tjukurpa (small female desert mice story). The mingkiri are pregnant and give birth to many babies,...
The Burton Women, including Angela, Maureen and Naomi together depict the Minyma Mingkiri Tjuta Tjukurpa (small female desert mice story). The mingkiri are pregnant and give birth to many babies, then journey to the surrounding rock holes in search of food and water for their young. The dotted lines represent travel paths as the mice journey for water, the circles represent Kapi Tjukula (waterholes) where the mice stop and rest along the way. The Burton women paint at Tjala Arts in Amata on the Anangu Pitjantjara Yankunytjara Lands, painting the stories of their ancestral Country near Pipalyatjara, West of Amata in South Australia. Daughters and granddaughters of the prolific and highly celebrated artist Kunmanara (Wawiriya) Burton, the women come together to paint in order to remember, celebrate and pass on her stories.