Lorraine Davies Australian, Ngaanyatjarra, b. 1951
"My name is Lorraine Davies and I was born in Warburton Ranges in the Ngaanyatjarra Lands in 1951. I lived with my parents, brothers and sisters. They have all passed and it's only me now. Last one. I grew up in Warburton but as a little girl was taken and placed in Kurrawang Mission just outside of Kalgoorlie. A bus used to come, pick us up and take all the children from the mission to Kalgoorlie Primary School where we learned to read and write. I went onto high school and after that, my mother took me to Laverton where she got very sick and had to go to hospital. Not long after that a truck came, so I jumped on and made my way back to Kalgoorlie. From there I moved to Cundalee Mission with many of the Spinifex people. After the mission days, we went to Coonana, a place no one lives anymore, and finally ended up settling in Tjuntjuntjara in the early 1990's. In the late 1990's I spent many good years working at the first school in community helping teach the students to read, write and learn culture.”